WOD – Thu, Nov 16

JP CrossFit – WOD


Pacer: go out tepid, stay tepid. If you go out hot in the first round, you will die. Goal is to hit within 5 reps of each round

Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)

Fight Gone Bad-Style

3 rounds of:

min 1: box jump overs

min 2: v-ups

min 3: medball cleans to shoulder

min 4: db lunges

min 5: toes to bar

min 6: rest

Rx: 24″/20″, 50/35

Rx+: GHD’s for v-ups, Double db front rack lunges
Do a running count for each round. Score is total number of reps for each round. No standard weight for medball cleans–all weight are rx