WOD – Thu, Feb 6

JP CrossFit – WOD

Metcon (Time)

For time:

Cash in:

5 Pull-overs

Directly into 5 rounds of:

50 Double Unders

10 Push Ups

10 V-ups

Cash out:

5 Pull-overs

13 min cap!
Scale Double Unders to take about 30 sec or less, push ups and v-ups in two sets or less. Pull-overs can be broken up to singles (2 min budget on either end). Don’t have Pull-overs yet for a metcon? Your scale will be a 10 Reverse Burpee Cash-in/out!



At Home WOD (Time)

For Time:

100 Burpees

EMOM (Every Minute On the Minute) including at the start:

10 Air Squats

Set yourself a running stopwatch or use an app like Gym Next Flex Timer, put on some music, and get it done!

Suggested warmup:

Foam roll whatever feels sore (hips, upper back?)

4 inchworms with a pushup from your knees or toes

On each side:

Low Lunge

Hamstring Stretch

Pigeon Stretch

10 hip bridges with a 3 second hold at the top of each


Move steadily through the burpees, don’t push too hard, but make sure you don’t stop and rest for too long. Once you settle in, try and find a number of burpees you can stick to doing every minute until the end.