WOD – Mon, Jan 13


  • Please join us for Coach Isaac’s farewell party at 6:30p, immediately after his last class on Friday January 17!
  • We will be cancelling the 6:30p class on Thursday January 16 so that we can have a coaching staff meeting.
  • Phoenix Cup teams have been announced! If you aren’t on a team and believe that you registered, please let Ari know.
  • Starting Friday January 24, we will be adding a 4:30p and 5:30p WOD class on Friday nights. We are determining what form our Weightlifting classes will take going forward, and will have news about that soon.

JP CrossFit – WOD

Bench Press (1 rep max!)

Roomba (AMRAP – Reps)

EMOM 15:

Minute 1: 1 Wallball + Max Burpees

Minute 2: 2 Wallballs + Max Burpees

Minute 3: 3 Wallballs + Max Burpees

Minute 15: 15 Wallballs + Max Burpees

Rx: 20#/14#, 10’/9′

Rx+: 11’/10′
Shoot to get past the 10th minute. Pick a weight you can do 10 reps unbroken comfortably.