WOD – Mon, Feb 20

JP CrossFit – WOD

Metcon (10 Rounds for reps)


Min 1: 3 snatches*

Min 2: 14/12cal row or 15 burpees

Min 3: 3-8 pull ups*

Rx: Choose your own barbell weight and pull up rep number. Click this button if you make it start to finish with your choice. All pull up scales will count as Rx today:) Show me consistency!

Rx+: Squat Snatch, Chest to Bar
You must alternate cal row and burpees each round. Keep in mind this is a 10 round workout, so choose your reps and weight wisely. Weight should be heavy enough to be singles. Track your pull up reps and input barbell weight in comments. This could be fun training for Isabel 🙂