JP CrossFit – WOD
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
4 Rounds of 3:00on/3:00off
500/400m Row
AMRAP Clean and Jerks*
*Round 1: @ 95/75/65/55 or light
*Round 2: @ 135/105/95/75 or moderate
*Round 3: @ 155/125/105/95 or heavy
*Round 4 @ 185/155/125/105 or very heavy
Weights go up each round.
Round 1: sets of 5+, aim for 15 +/-3 reps
Round 2: sets of 2-3, aim for 10 +/- 3 reps
Round 3: singles, aim for 6 +/-3 reps
Round 4: singles, aim for 1-3 reps