
JP CrossFit – WOD

Metcon (4 Rounds for reps)

With a 3 min clock:

20′ handstand walk

14 tall box jumps*

14 push ups

AMRAP dumbbell snatches*

–1 min rest–

With a 3 min clock:

14 tall box jumps*

14 push ups

14 dumbbell snatches*

AMRAP handstand walk

–1 min rest–

With a 3 min clock:

14 push ups

14 dumbbell snatches*

20′ handstand walk

AMRAP tall box jumps*

–1 min rest–

With a 3 min clock:

14 dumbbell snatches*

20′ handstand walk

14 tall box jumps*

AMRAP push ups

Rx: 50/35, 30″/24″
You should have 45sec-1min for the AMRAPs.

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