WOD – Wed, Dec 11


The sign ups for the Phoenix Cup are live!

For all info on the Phoenix Cup, visit the website here: www.jpcfpcup.com

JP CrossFit – WOD

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)


Min 1: 5 strict pull ups

Min 2: 3 strict pull ups

Min 3: 2 strict pull ups

Min 4: 5 strict pull ups

Min 5: 3 strict pull ups

Min 6: 2 strict pull ups

Min 7: 5 strict pull ups

Rx+: weighted pull ups
Score is total strict pull ups completed

Metcon (8 Rounds for reps)

30 sec on/30 sec off for 16 minutes

(8 rounds per movement)

Movement 1: AMRAP calorie row

Movement 2: AMRAP box jump overs*

*Rx: 24″/20″ box
This is a 1:1 work-to-rest ratio. Hit it hard (but not so hard you can’t recover).

Solid goals = 8+ cal row, 10+ BJO.

Add your cal row + BJOs per round.

Alternate movements every minute so:

30 sec row, 30 sec rest, 30 sec BJO, 30 sec rest, etc….