JP CrossFit – WOD
Metcon (5 Rounds for reps)
Deadlift and Pullup Superset:
5 Rounds, not for time- 30 minute cap
5 Deadlifts
AMRAP Strict Pullups in one set
Rest as needed after pullups, with no rest between DL and pullups
Double overhand standard grip only
No mixed grip, no hook grip, no touch and go
Score both Deadlift Weight and Total Strict Pullups
Aim for 85% of a 5×5 or 70% of a 1rm, and 6-10 pullups in the first round
Deadlift (5×5 as part of Deadlift/Pullup Superset)
Double overhand standard grip only.
No mixed grip
No hook grip
No touch and go