06/12/2021 Community

JP CrossFit – Community


Warm-up (No Measure)

Marsha P. Johnson and Sylvia Rivera are key transgender rights and gay liberation activists. Johnson and Rivera are credited with sparking the 1969 Stonewall Riots after having resisted arrest at the Stonewall in. Together they co-founded STAR which offered services and advocacy for homeless queer youth and fought for nondiscriminatory policies to prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. However, the work they began is not done. Trans Resistance MA is holding the Trans Resistance March, Vigil and Pride Fest. Trans Resistance is a community of black and brown trans people and cis allies coming together to address injustice and demand change. If you would like to show your support at the 4:30 pm vigil for Black Trans Lives or Venmoing @transresistance.

Metcon (Time)

For time:

2 mile run

At the 5:00

50 air squats

At the 10:00:

50 sit ups

At the 15:00:

50 lunges

At the 20:00

30 burpees
25 minute time cap!

Compare to 11/7/20.

Your goal is to accumulate 2 miles, while completing all of the interrupting work. Approx 11 laps around the English track.