JP CrossFit – WOD
-Sign up for the Handstand Hold workshop here:
-due to the handstand workshop, powerlifting will be pushed to 1:00-2:30pm on Saturday.
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Tabata Buy in: 20/10 for 8 rounds
AMRAP Hang Dumbbell snatch*
–2min rest–
12 weighted step ups*
1 rope climb
9 box jumps *
1 rope climb
6 burpee box jumps *
1 rope climb
*Rx: 50/35, 24″/20″
**RX+:Legless (no jump)
Your score is total reps. Go hard at the tabata buy-in, as those reps will get added to your total score. You should pick a weight that allows you to move for the entire 20 seconds. 1 full round is 30 reps. Aim for 3-4 rounds.